
Understanding Affirming Communities, Relationships, & Networks

Published papers

  • Delgado-Ron JA, Jeyabalan T, Watt S, Black S, Gumprich M, Salway T. Sampling Sexual and Gender Minority Youth With UnACoRN (Understanding Affirming Communities, Relationships, and Networks): Lessons From a Web-Based Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2023:e44175. DOI: 10.2196/44175
  • Delgado-Ron, J. A., Jeyabalan, T., Watt, S., & Salway, T. (2024). Mitigating invalid data bias in the estimation of sexual orientation disparities in a survey of youth in US and Canada. Child Development [In press].
  • MacKinnon K, Jebalayan T, Strang G, Delgado-Ron JA, Lam JSH, Gould WA, Cooper A, Salway T. (2024). Discontinuation of gender-affirming medical treatments: Prevalence and associated features in a non-probabilistic sample of transgender and gender-diverse adolescents and young adults in Canada and the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health [In press]

Manuscripts under review

  • Pirani Y, Delgado-Ron JA, Marinho P, Gupta A, Grey E, Watt S, MacKinnon K, Salway T. Frequency of self-reported persistent post-treatment genital hypesthesia among past antidepressant users: a cross-sectional survey of sexual and gender minority youth in Canada and the US. 2023. DOI: 10.31219/
  • Gumprich, M., Jebalayan, T., Watt, S., Black, S., Delgado-Ron, J., & Salway T. (2024, Jan 10). Non-binary youth experiences in organized team sports in Canada.
  • Lowik, A.J., Delgado-Ron, J. A., Khonina, M., & Salway, T. (2024 April 16). Measuring Gender Modality: Comparing Strategies and Methods from the UnACoRN Youth Survey.


  • Lo, Ren Ho Mun, The colours of the rainbow: an exploratory quantitative analysis of identity affirmation among sexual and gender minority people of colour in North America.
  • Gumprich, Martha. Non-binary youth experiences in organized team sports in Canada. 2023.

Other reports

Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction