Understanding Affirming Communities, Relationships, & Networks

What’s the UnACoRN Study?

Only you know your true sexuality and gender. But sometimes other people will try to influence how you feel, express, or identify. We’re a team of researchers who want to hear about the times when your sexual and gender feelings, expressions, or identities are doubted and denied… But also, where they’re affirmed and celebrated!

We have closed our first survey and want to say THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to share their experiences! We’re so grateful for your support – together we can make sure more young people feel safe and affirmed. Stay tuned for results!

Visit our website or follow us on Instagram or Facebook @REAFFIRMCollaborative to hear about other upcoming research projects!

Who can I contact if I have questions about the survey?

If you have questions about the survey, contact Sarah Watt, Research Coordinator, at Sarah_Watt@SFU.ca.